Hello i am currently working on a mechgame prototype my goal is to make it kind of similar to the mech warrior games the thing is i have almost zero knowledge of animation side of unreal
what i want to do
have the torso rotate sepretly “yaw/pitch” using the mouse while the legs rotate by using the keyboard
when rotating the legs while standing up i want the mech to play its leg rotation animation
also i want this to be reusable for the ai
what i have
a skeli mesh with all of its animations
a blend space with the speed and direction “forward/backward” only no side to side
what i have tried
using aim offset but it works fine for the pitch as for the yaw it turns the entire mech if i disable the yaw controle rotation it rotate just fine untile i overshoot the aim ofset limite so it teleport to the other side of the ofset “from left to right”
The default Character class does not work that well with this kind of setup. (It also won’t work well once you want to do things like make stompy feet actually stomp things when walking.)
Thus, the best option for this kind of movement is to define your ABigStompyRobot actor class as derived from APawn, and then add the appropriate visual components (some armature of Static Mesh components, Physics bodies, and/or Skeletal Mesh component/s.)
You can then implement the control, movement, and rendering code for this ABigStompyRobot pawn any way you want, and update it in, presumably, Tick(). The legs would be fixed in Actor reference frame, probably, so “turning with keyboard” would cause physics to turn the actor, which would turn the legs. If you’re really detailed, you simulate the actual walking using bodies. That’s pretty hard, but also looks much more realistic than the weightless foot-sliding of the current Mechwarrior series.
Get the controller, get its control rotation, translate that to a relative rotation compared to actor root, and set you “waist” rotation to that. You might want to clamp it to some minimum/maximum delta. Might even want to feed back to the controller to clamp its control rotation.
I assum that what you described is in c++ im sorry that i did not specify that im using blueprint and also that im a begginer
here is what i understood from your answer
the charcter class dosnot work and i must use the pawn class for mvt i will use add local offset
i need to implement physics "i dont know how to use " to turn the actor as a whole
for the upper body rotation i would use the control rotation and transform it to locale rot “i will trie to figure it out” to turn the waist bone and use clamps controle the max rot