I have spent so many hours trying to figure this out and I feel like I am about to cry. This is the geometry that I’ve tried to export from Maya to UE4. The geometry surface is clean and has smooth sharp specular kick on the surface.
This is what the wireframe looks like
I’ve tried many different export settings in maya, suggested by other people. But nothing has worked so far. I have tried 2013 fbx, 2014 fbx, smoothing group on, triangulate, etc… I also downloaded the blender3d and tried to export from that software but got same result.
When I imported this model into UE4, this is what the specular looks like. BTW, I tried all different import settings in UE4 to see if it makes any differences but again nothing has worked.
I don’t know how to describe this look. The specular looks faceted.
This is a bit more close up picture.
In a way, the specular reveals the topology of the triangulated mesh that I imported.
From an another angle
This artifact also shows in reflection as well.
You will see faceted edges on the border between white and black.
I thought it was maya export settings issue but as I said before, I also tried export from blender 3d as well and got same result.
At this point, I just have no idea where this artifact comes from.
Any guess? help? Thanks in advance!
Things that I have tried so far
maya->unlock normal->smooth edge->lock normal
maya->export obj instead of fbx
maya->export->both fbx2013 and fbx2014 (tried many different settings including UDK doc)
maya->create a light map uv with auto-mapping
maya->rebuild the surface from scratch
maya->delete all faces except few rows of most smooth curvature faces->export fbx
blender->smooth edge->export fbx (tried many different settings)