I’ve used Blender quite a bit, and I wonder if you have ever worked with Maya! And no need for any app war, I want Blender to be that good, but I think all Blender users (for some reason) seem to feel the need to say it is better than Autodesk products, which it’s not (obviously.) Blender can do 3 stage normal baking? Great. That would take an extra step in Maya. So we use XNormal and get even better results.
That is one of the hundreds of things that suck in Blender, and not even on the list of worst things. Another is that there are still many commonly used functions buried in menus because Blender Foundation has decided hotkeys are the only UI you should need, by God. And they cannot even use the industry standard WER keys, they have to use GSR, which aren’t together and are harder to hit without taking a look at the keyboard. Dumb.
And switching between the orthos and the perspective is tedious. In Maya, you pop into quadview, check model in all directions, then hover over the view you want and hit space and . Meanwhile Blender wants you to keep going clear over to the numpad and hit number keys that you just have to memorize. If you are in an ortho view (say front or top) in Blender and you accidentally tumble the view, then you get some weird ortho view from a random “user” angle. How could that possibly be of any use to anyone ever? (In comparison, every other 3d program will just tell you that you cannot tumble ortho views.)
Select vertices works differently in blender depending on whether you are in wireframe or shaded. WHY!? Sometimes you have to select with MMB, other times the same function is with RMB! It’s like they are purposely trying to troll their own users.
The Blender analogue to “Quad Draw” uses the charcoal pen to draw lines on the surface and tries to create topology based on which way you drew the lines. It is so bad that it should be taken behind the barn and shot. It is an abomination to even have that crappy defective tool included at all. Grrr… it makes me angry thinking about how many hours I wasted trying to get that stupid tool to work right.
The timeline in Blender is also a joke compared to Maya or Max… you have to do almost everything on dope sheets. Dope sheets in Blender, though, are pretty dope. Somehow they can show a ton of animations at once without bogging down. So that almost makes up for the worthless timeline.
I haven’t seen this problem with MODO and I have a slightly weaker gxf card. I played a little tonight with a high res character (40k quads) with IK rig in MODO (801) just now and it never went below 15 FPS with textures. Turn off textures in viewport and FPS skyrockets, problem solved.
That is a rare studio with 8 CG artists and Blender as the tool of choice. Almost every studio uses Autodesk products, and the argument that “it is because they just don’t know how good Blender is” is starting to get a bit tired at this point.
Yes, by all means, try Blender. If you like it and it gets the job done, then you have a great free tool. Blender is one of the highest value free software tools that there is. I just have trouble listening to Blender Evangelists that show up in every conversation to say that Blender is as good or better than Maya or Max or MODO (or ZBrush or C4D.) Except for rare features where Blender excels, it typically is a weaker, watered down 3d tool that tries to do everything and only succeeds in doing everything so-so. Luckily, especially for beginners, that is often good enough.