Maya fbx export not importing correctly

hello, i am exporting this truck model as an FBX from maya and it is (1) missing mesh parts and (2) has weird white marks on the mesh, does anyone know what the issue is?

EDIT: I exported the mesh into Blender and then reimported into UE 5, all the mesh imported but theres holes

Probably your normals.

How fresh are you to sculpting stuff?

Check normals, check UVs, check Triangulation.

Bonus point: if you are making a vehicle the wheels are all separate, instanced objects.

If you are importing a full mesh, you are fine as is. But you probably need to define lightmap UVs as well.

Other possible FBX issue - what version is maya exporting? Match it to what the engine takes.

I scaled the mesh up and it fixed the issues!