MAY #UE4JAM, May 14 - May 17, Theme: RAINING CATS AND DOGS

I’m going to try and make an entry this time.

My game is going to be called “Infinite Improbability” as Raining Cats and Dogs can mean an unlikely occurrence.

Focus is going to be on basic gameplay involving teleporting / seeing through walls / seeing other dimensions. (With rain of course :))

is a screenshot of what will be the menu - Menu Text on the left Title top leftish.

Any artists want to team up? I got this programming but art takes me a long time.

Think i’m gonna try to make something over the weekend, now will be a good time to try to see if i can figure out Blueprint.

My mate had an idea for a bullet hell game in which you play an ant in a mech suit protecting the ant hill against rain drops. Started work on Ant Defense Force this morning.

Skipped 2 game jams on a row, NOT THIS ONE though. Only one question, multiplayer is allowed right?

:smiley: Awesome! I think I’m gonna give it a go this weekend if I can carve some time out

Surprise, surprise, I forgot about that thing called sleep -_- Too much fun with this game jam project :smiley: That’s what power naps are for right?

Gamejam progress! I made a system that makes it rain, and detects where edges are to dynamically spawn runoff actors that make rain curtains/volumes. These will serve as obstacles for our protagonist! :slight_smile:

That looks really cool Kashaar, great idea.

Looks awesome! How the hell you made this? :>

Lots and lots of traces :wink: One actor controls the downpour and then tries to find any edges of things that are rained on, spawning another actor there that creates the curtain of water. Those feed back the surfaces they pour on into the other actor.

Amazing stuff and I’m just struggling to get a basic rain effect haha good job though, its looking great!

How’s’s project coming along???

Too slowly! :smiley: Started on visuals today:

Spent far to long figuring out how to do a portal. So far behind where I wanted to be.

That looks amazing Kashaar!

My project is coming along nicely. Caught up on the lack of sleep today too :smiley: Slept an EPIC (^^) 16 hours earlier haha Which is good, because I don’t see myself sleeping until this countdown expires :wink: But no worries, I’m having a blast all the while!

I’m determined to get something finished this time. My project is coming together nicely, mostly down to just adding a basic UI for displaying messages, and duct taping various bits together.

I was using APEX for the sail on the boat, but at some point it decided to flip out and stop working. I miss the basic but perfectly good enough cloth system from UE3.

Thunderbolts and Lightning is on track to make it in before the deadline though.

subscription to what? :open_mouth:

I think I just spent way too much time on a and expandable 3D menu system, instead of creating levels for the game :-x

Wishing i had mad art skills haha