MAY #UE4JAM, May 14 - May 17, Theme: RAINING CATS AND DOGS

** are the top submissions! Congrats to all the teams!
Thunderblade - CucomberosMidnight Oil - Inx3 GamesLonely Storm - Game Perspective


  • Make the most amazing game by yourself or with a team (up to 5) around the given theme in Unreal Engine 4.

  • Submit a download link to this thread before **midnight on the night of May 17 / morning of May 18 **including the following:

  • Team Name

  • List of Team Members

  • Name of submission (Please format it with your team’s name attached ex. TeamName_GameName)
    After you post your submission, PM me with the email addresses of your team members (up to 5), the name of your team and the name of your project. That makes it easier to get in contact with so make sure to send that info over!

  • We will announce the theme on the May 14 stream, when the jam will officially kick-off.

  • A small panel at Epic will judge entries on the following criteria:

  • Unique use of theme

  • Fun factor

  • Overall Visuals

  • Detailed Rules are - EDITED TO REFLECT NEW PRIZE

All submissions will be featured in a highlight reel posted to our YouTube and shown on Twitch.

The top 3 submissions will receive an Epic swag bag with all sorts of goodies, a “Game Jam Finalist” forum badge, a featured playthrough on the May 28 Twitch stream, as well as a highlight on Unreal Engine blog!

NOTE TO PAST WINNERS: Shirts are heading to print! If I don’t have your information. I’ve sent messages out to collect information, and am still missing a few of you. If you havent sent me your size and address, hit me up!

Happy developing, and good luck!

Theme Announce Countdown](Time since May 14, 2015 2:00 pm started in Raleigh)
**Submission Deadline **Countdown](Time since May 18, 2015 started in Raleigh)

Streaming your work on Twitch? Let us know so we can follow along!
Are you on Twitter? Show off your work using the #ue4jam]( hashtag!

Ooh, sweet! I now have something to do when I finish my last assignment!

Awesome! Welcome to the forums by the way :slight_smile:

Hmm I have a few free days to myself… I may have to get busy with this

aww, I’d love to do this.
I did a 2d unreal game for the 48hr Ludum dare challenge, it didn’t go the best :frowning:

I fear that I’m struggling enough with my personal progress, so there’s little point.
But I look forward to seeing what other people make :smiley:

Is it open for solo-ists?

Yep! No lower limit

No way! You can do it!

Your confidence is flattering but misplaced :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll continue with my current project, still trying to code without crashing something :smiley:
I’ll most likely tackle a future Jam

Dude, let’s team up. I’ve been messing around with the engine for about a year but haven’t done a game jam yet. I’ll PM you and we’ll win this thing*.

*Assuming we actually win it.

It’s like watching the formation of the Avengers.

*Edit: I really need to go to bed… I get weird when I’m tired.

I think I’ll join in on this one, have some free time that weekend :smiley:

I may have to sit this one out :’(

Work is pounding me with hours…I may throw something small together just for the fun of it. Don’t know yet.


I’m new, still learning, but if some 4 man team has the luxury to take me into their boat for easy stuff, I’d be in. Otherwise, have fun guys <3.

I’m going to be all over this one! no crappy egg balls this time!

My social calendar is crammed this weekend, so unfortunately I have to sit this one out again :frowning:

So, no this time?

This is probebly going to be one time I’m not going to be able to participate for the this jam (Probably. I might change my mind.)

So, I was looking forward to this months jam but mother nature might have other plans for me. Typhoon Dolphin is heading right for Guam which will probably take out our utilities. I’ll have nothing to do but to sit, sit, sit, sit.