Maximum height NPC spawner ERROR


My custom NPC is 35 meters tall, and even if I give him a physics asset perfectly adapted to his body, the collisions will only be active between his legs, at the base of his body, as if as soon as the NPC is too tall, the physics asset doesn’t follow.

Because if I reduce the size of the NPC, the physics asset is good, and the NPC has collisions all over its body, but as soon as I make it bigger, it has no more collisions except at the base of its body (shins/feet).

Can anyone help me or has anyone had the same problem?

Here are some images, the physics assets are good, but the collisions are only between his legs, they don’t go any higher.

I’ve drawn the collisions between his legs in green, the red part is the part without collisions.

I also tried growing the physics assets inordinately, but it didn’t work : the collisions remain at the base of his body.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Simply import a very large static mesh (mininum 3 times the size of a basic player) on UEFN, enter it on the NPC spawner’s device.

Associate a physics asset with it, and launch the game.

Expected Result

Collisions should run from the NPC’s foot to its head, as usual.

Observed Result

Physics assets will no longer work, they will be limited in height to 2 times the size of the Fortnite character, but anything above this height will no longer have any collision.



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Also experiencing this. I have noticed if you pull the skeleton mesh onto the level that the collusions work as expected, but NPCs using the same skeleton do not have correct collisions.

Thank you for the detail, I’ll get someone to take a look.

Any news on possible fix?
@Wigito Have You tried making the physics asset bigger and not aligned with the rendered skeleton?

Can confirm this bug, tested with multiple Skeletal Meshes in different sizes.

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FORT-830947 has been ‘Backlogged’. This is an issue we’d like to address in the future.

Hi! I am having issues with this also. Did you try to make your original skeletal mesh not bigger that twice the size of Fort character, and then use TeleportTo on spawn to change the scale to the amount you like?