Hello. I would like to ask you for your help. I am looking for a way to downscale my textures size in a “healthy” way so it could boost my performance in-game (in cooked and if possible in non-cooked version too).
For now I found two options that piqued my interest. LOD Bias and Max Textures size. Via google I found nice description (I am sorry for google translate but I don’t speak japanese ):
So it seems that Max Textures size is what I am looking for. And for now I was really happy with it but I noticed that these textures are building almost every time when some changes are made in engine. At first it wasn’t that invasive but with every day when there are more and more textures coming it kinda starts to get annoying
So I wanted to ask - can I somehow use it better ? Or maybe I should use some other function or option ?
Max texture will actually scale down the textures. LOD Bias only works when you’ve packaged your project (in-game, not editor) and will default to the specified LOD as the highest value if you run into performance issues. It’s a Bias not a fixed value which means it won’t always use the value specified. If you have a 4K texture and set the max texture size to 2048, it will not be allowed to go higher than 2048.