Max Shield and Health being overridden

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Upon game start, each player is assigned one of the following erroneous values (appears to be random):

  • 100 max health and 100 max shield.
  • 12 max health and 0 max shield.

The following are the values that are supposed to be set:

  • 200 max health and 150 max shield assigned to players.

This issue began with the 29.30 update. No changes were made within the map.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Launch island code.

Expected Result

Assign the following to all players:

  • 200 max health and 150 max shield.

Observed Result

One of the following is assigned to players (random per player in the same game):

  • 100 max health and 100 max shield.
  • 12 max health and 0 max shield.


All Platforms

Island Code


Additional Notes

Thank You!

Same issue in Fortune Finders 0038-8908-4641

The status of FORT-736586 incident has been moved from ‘Needs Triage’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Duplicate’

Same here!