Math in Delaunay triangulation algorithm, too many triangles appearing

Sadly I am not that good with math and I am working on a Delaunay triangulation of a 2D point field. So far I have the field and “points” are being triangulated. In the example 79 triangles were calculated for 19 points.

The problem is that too many triangles are being made and points are connected to incorrect neighbours.

I hope someone better at math can take a quick look at the code I have currently and help me with this.

References used:



#include "Delaunay.h"

TArray<FDTriangle> FDelaunay::Triangulate(TArray<FDPoint>& InPoints, int32 InDelaunayConvexMultiplier) const {
	TArray<FDTriangle> Triangles;
	int32 NPoints = InPoints.Num();
	if (NPoints < 3) {
		UE_LOG(LogActor, Error, TEXT("Triangulate needs at least 3 points."));
		return Triangles;
	if (NPoints == 3) {
		Triangles.Add(FDTriangle(InPoints[0], InPoints[1], InPoints[2]));
		return Triangles;

	// Start (Bowyer Watson) Delaunay triangulation.

	// Get the max amount of expected triangles.
	int32 TrMax = NPoints * 4;
	// Get the min / max dimensions of the grid containing the points.
	float MinX = InPoints[0].X;
	float MinY = InPoints[0].Y;
	float MaxX = MinX;
	float MaxY = MinY;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < NPoints; i++) {
		FDPoint& Point = InPoints[i];
		Point.Id = i;

		MinX = FMath::Min(MinX, Point.X);
		MaxX = FMath::Max(MaxX, Point.X);

		MinY = FMath::Min(MinY, Point.Y);
		MaxY = FMath::Max(MaxY, Point.Y);

	float Dx = ((MaxX - MinX) * InDelaunayConvexMultiplier);
	float Dy = ((MaxY - MinY) * InDelaunayConvexMultiplier);
	float DeltaMax = FMath::Max(Dx, Dy);
	float MidX = (MinX + MaxX) * 0.5f;
	float MidY = (MinY + MaxY) * 0.5f;

	// Add Super Triangle. For simplicity add the generated Super points on top of the point array. 
	FDPoint SuP1 = FDPoint(MidX - 2.f * DeltaMax, MidY - DeltaMax, NPoints);
	FDPoint SuP2 = FDPoint(MidX, MidY + 2.f * DeltaMax, NPoints + 1);
	FDPoint SuP3 = FDPoint(MidX + 2.f * DeltaMax, MidY - DeltaMax, NPoints + 2);
	InPoints.EmplaceAt(SuP1.Id, SuP1);
	InPoints.EmplaceAt(SuP2.Id, SuP2);
	InPoints.EmplaceAt(SuP3.Id, SuP3);
	Triangles.Add(FDTriangle(SuP1, SuP2, SuP3));

	// Use NPoints instead of InPoints.Num() when looping over the original points, to not include the initial super points.
	for (int32 i = 0; i < NPoints; i++) {
		TArray<FDEdge> Edges;
		// For each point, look which triangles their CircumCircle contains this point
		// , in which case we don't want the triangle because it is not a Delaunay triangle.
		for (int32 j = Triangles.Num() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
			FDTriangle CurTriangle = Triangles[j];
			if (CurTriangle.IsInCircumCircle(InPoints[i])) {
				// For each edge, add if not yet present by IsSimilar
				auto AddEdgeIfNotSimilar = [&Edges](const FDEdge& InEdge) {
					bool bAdd = true;
					for (const FDEdge& EdgeX : Edges) {
						if (EdgeX.IsSimilar(InEdge)) {
							bAdd = false;
					if (bAdd) {

				// Remove the unwanted triangle

		for (int32 j = 0; j < Edges.Num(); j++) {
			if (Triangles.Num() > TrMax) {
				UE_LOG(LogActor, Error, TEXT("Made more triangles than required. "));

			Triangles.Add(FDTriangle(Edges[j].P1, Edges[j].P2, InPoints[i]));

	// Remove triangles using the initial super points.
	for (int i = Triangles.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
		FDTriangle Triangle = Triangles[i];
		if (Triangle.P1.Id >= NPoints
			|| Triangle.P2.Id >= NPoints
			|| Triangle.P3.Id >= NPoints
			) {
	// Remove the initial super points.

	return Triangles;


#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"

struct FDPoint {

	float X;

	float Y;

	int32 Id;

	// Initialize
	FDPoint(float InX, float InY, int32 InId)
		: X (InX)
		, Y (InY)
		, Id (InId)

	// Functions

	float GetDistSqr(const FVector2D& InPoint) const {
        return FVector2D::DistSquared(InPoint, FVector2D(X, Y));

	float GetDist(const FVector2D& InPoint) const {
		return FMath::Sqrt(GetDistSqr(InPoint));

	//bool IsInCircle(const FVector2D& InCenter, float InRadius) const {
	//	return FMath::Square(InCenter.X - X) + FMath::Square(InCenter.Y - Y) <= FMath::Square(InRadius);

	bool IsNearlyEqual(const FDPoint& Other) const {
		return (FMath::IsNearlyEqual(X, Other.X)
			&& FMath::IsNearlyEqual(Y, Other.Y)			

	// Operators
	bool operator==(const FDPoint& InOther) const {
		return (
			Id == InOther.Id


struct FDEdge {

	FDPoint P1;

	FDPoint P2;

	// Initialize
	FDEdge(const FDPoint& InP1, const FDPoint& InP2)
		: P1 (InP1)
		, P2 (InP2)

	// Functions

	float GetLength() const {
		return FVector2D::Distance(FVector2D(P1.X, P1.Y), FVector2D(P2.X, P2.Y));

	//FVector2D GetMidPoint() const {
	//	return FVector2D(
	//		(P1.X + P2.X) / 2.f
	//		, (P1.Y + P2.Y) / 2.f
	//	);

	//float GetSlope() const {
	//	return ((P2.Y - P1.Y) / (P2.X / P1.X));

	//float GetSlopePerpendicular() const {
	//	return (-1 * (1 / GetSlope()));

	bool IsSimilar(const FDEdge& InEdge) const {
		// Returns true if P1 and P2 match in any direction
		return ((P1.IsNearlyEqual(InEdge.P1) && P2.IsNearlyEqual(InEdge.P2))
			|| (P2.IsNearlyEqual(InEdge.P1) && P1.IsNearlyEqual(InEdge.P2))

	bool IsNearlyEqual(const FDEdge& InEdge) const {
		return (P1.IsNearlyEqual(InEdge.P1)	&& P2.IsNearlyEqual(InEdge.P2));

	// Operators
	bool operator==(const FDEdge& InOther) const {
		return (
			P1 == InOther.P1
			&& P2 == InOther.P2

struct FDTriangle {

	FDPoint P1;

	FDPoint P2;

	FDPoint P3;

	FDEdge E1;

	FDEdge E2;

	FDEdge E3;

	// Initialize
	FDTriangle(const FDPoint& InP1, const FDPoint& InP2, const FDPoint& InP3)
		: P1 (InP1)
		, P2 (InP2)
		, P3 (InP3)
		, E1 (FDEdge(InP1, InP2))
		, E2 (FDEdge(InP2, InP3))
		, E3 (FDEdge(InP3, InP1))

	// Functions

	float QuatCross(float InA, float InB, float InC) const {
		return FMath::Sqrt(
			(InA + InB + InC) 
			* (InA + InB - InC) 
			* (InA - InB + InC) 
			* (-InA + InB + InC)

	//float CrossProduct(const FDPoint& InP1, const FDPoint& InP2, const FDPoint& InP3) const {
	//	float X1 = InP2.X - InP1.X;
	//	float X2 = InP3.X - InP2.X;
	//	float Y1 = InP2.Y - InP1.Y;
	//	float Y2 = InP3.Y - InP2.Y;
	//	return X1 * Y2 - Y1 * X2;

	//bool IsFlatAngle(const FDPoint& InP1, const FDPoint& InP2, const FDPoint& InP3) const {
	//	return CrossProduct(InP1, InP2, InP3) == 0;

	//bool IsCW() const {
	//	return (CrossProduct(P1, P2, P3) < 0);

	//bool IsCCW() const {
	//	return (CrossProduct(P1, P2, P3) > 0);

	FVector GetSidesLength() const {
		return FVector(E1.GetLength(), E2.GetLength(), E3.GetLength());

	FVector2D GetCenter() const {
		return FVector2D(
			(P1.X + P2.X + P3.X) / 3.f
			, (P1.Y + P2.Y + P3.Y) / 3.f

	float GetCircumRadius() const {
		FVector SidesLength = GetSidesLength();
		float Cross = QuatCross(SidesLength.X, SidesLength.Y, SidesLength.Z);
		// Safe division
		return (Cross != 0.f ? (SidesLength.X * SidesLength.Y * SidesLength.Z) / Cross : 0.f);

	FVector2D GetCircumCenter() const {
		//FVector2D ME1 = E1.GetMidPoint();
		//FVector2D ME2 = E2.GetMidPoint();
		//float SE1 = E1.GetSlope();
		//float SE2 = E2.GetSlope();
		//float PE1 = E1.GetSlopePerpendicular();
		//float PE2 = E2.GetSlopePerpendicular();
		float D = (P1.X * (P2.Y - P3.Y) + P2.X * (P3.Y - P1.Y) + P3.X * (P1.Y - P2.Y)) * 2;
		float X = ((P1.X * P1.X + P1.Y * P1.Y) * (P2.Y - P3.Y) + (P2.X * P2.X + P2.Y * P2.Y) * (P3.Y - P1.Y) + (P3.X * P3.X + P3.Y * P3.Y) * (P1.Y - P2.Y));
		float Y = ((P1.X * P1.X + P1.Y * P1.Y) * (P3.X - P2.X) + (P2.X * P2.X + P2.Y * P2.Y) * (P1.X - P3.X) + (P3.X * P3.X + P3.Y * P3.Y) * (P2.X - P1.X));

		return (D != 0.f ? FVector2D(X / D, Y / D) : FVector2D(0.f, 0.f));

	float GetArea() const {
		FVector SidesLength = GetSidesLength();
		return (QuatCross(SidesLength.X, SidesLength.Y, SidesLength.Z) / 4.f);

	bool IsInCircumCircle(const FDPoint& InPoint) const {
		FVector2D Center = GetCircumCenter();
		return (FMath::Square(Center.X - InPoint.X) 
			+ FMath::Square(Center.Y - InPoint.Y) 
			<= FMath::Square(GetCircumRadius())

	bool IsNearlyEqual(const FDTriangle& InTriangle) const {
		return (P1.IsNearlyEqual(InTriangle.P1)
			&& P2.IsNearlyEqual(InTriangle.P2)
			&& P3.IsNearlyEqual(InTriangle.P3)

	// Operators
	bool operator==(const FDTriangle& Other) const {
		return (
			P1 == Other.P1
			&& P2 == Other.P2
			&& P3 == Other.P3



class FDelaunay {




	// When small (~1) produces convex-hull, when large, produces concave hulls. Defaults to 1000.
	//int32 ConvexMultiplier = 1;




	TArray<FDTriangle> Triangulate(TArray<FDPoint>& InPoints, int32 InDelaunayConvexMultiplier) const;


Usage snippet:

#include "Delaunay.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetSystemLibrary.h"
#include "CoreMinimal.h"

TArray<FDPoint> Points;
Points.Add(10.f, 20.f, -1);
Points.Add(15.f, 3.f, -1);
Points.Add(6.f, 12.f, -1);
Points.Add(30.f, 40.f, -1);
Points.Add(25.f, 17.f, -1);
const TArray<FDTriangle> Triangles = Delaunay.Triangulate(Points, 1);

for (const FDTriangle& TriangleX : Triangles) {
	for (int32 i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		const FDEdge EdgeX = (
			i == 0 ? TriangleX.E1
			: i == 1 ? TriangleX.E2
			: i == 2 ? TriangleX.E3
			// Invalid
			: FDEdge(FDPoint(0.f, 0.f, -1), FDPoint(0.f, 0.f, -1))
		// For each edge per triangle per room:

			, FVector(EdgeX.P1.X, EdgeX.P1.Y, 0.f)
			, FVector(EdgeX.P2.X, EdgeX.P2.Y, 0.f)
			, FColor::Silver
			, 5.f
			, 8.f

The provided sample seems to work fine here


What input are you using that results in the first screenshot ?

1 Like

Nevermind I see the issue.

The problem comes the part where you don’t add an edge if a similar one already exists in the array.

auto AddEdgeIfNotSimilar = [&Edges](const FDEdge& InEdge) {
					bool bAdd = true;
					for (const FDEdge& EdgeX : Edges) {
						if (EdgeX.IsSimilar(InEdge)) {
							bAdd = false;
					if (bAdd) {

The working implementations always add the edges, and then they look for duplicates and remove BOTH duplicates when they find them. This produces the desired result :

This does seem to produce similar result in a more compact way like you originally intended :



Nice! All works well now, I have implemented your version of the edge deduplication and with the original inputs there are no bad edges. I am very happy with the results.
