As the title says when using a MaterialBillboardComponent it only renders in one eye when using the VR preview. Interestingly the BillboardComponent renders in both eyes.
Hey QSBen,
Can you provide me with the VR device you are using when testing, as well as the material in question so I can accurately reproduce this issue on my end?
We tested this on a Vive in a new 4.13 blank VR project and was able to see the MaterialBillboard component in both eyes as expected. If it would be easier, we can get your test project and test that exactly.
Thank you,
I am using the HTC Vive and UE version 4.13. The material in question is a simple lit, opaque material with only a vector parameter for base color. To test this I simple created a blueprint in the VR template project with a material billboard component and supplied the material. However after testing a little more it seems that this bug is only present when Instanced Stereo rendering is enabled in the project settings.
Hey QSBen,
Thanks for the clear and precise repro steps. I was able to confirm what you are reporting and have gone ahead and entered a bug report for the issue. You can track the issue following the link below on our public issues tracker.
Once the issue has been addressed by our engineers either myself or another staff member will return with an update.
Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.
I’ve made more investigation into the case and provided you with a sample PNG where the issue occurs (it’s still happening, as of 4.14.0), I hope it will be helpful:
Please let me know when this issue has been resolved as well.
It will be updated in the public tracker link once it has been resolved.
This is STILL an issue in 4.20.2! I’m assuming the status of Won’t Fix means we are stuck with this problem for ever?
A work around that works…
- Create an actor blueprint derived from the StaticMeshActor
- Set the mobility for the static mesh component to moveable
- Add this to your blueprint in the event graph
Create a static mesh plane in whatever application that suits you but make sure that the plane is facing positive X and that the UV map is placed the same so it also face positive X. Set the plane as static mesh in your newly created billboard actor and voila.
I’ve submitted a fix for this issue here: