Material Shader Project Size went up 20% with UEFN 5.5 Version

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With the newest UEFN and Fortnite Update (UEFN 5.5 & Fortnite 30.00) The Project Size for Shaders increased 20%

It seems that this is only for Landscape Materials which are painted on the Landscape. As more we paint, as more goes the project size up for Materials/Shaders.
For example, in our Game “Mega World: Bossfight - 6631-6717-6073” Our Project Size increased from 51% to 71% just with the new update without any changes from our side.
This also happened in one of our current unannounced game from 40% to 60%.

In our Material we use Lerps & No Weight Blend with a Noise Effect Material Functions + Slope Setting - So usually nothing special. Worked perfectly fine with UEFN 5.4 in terms of project size.

There is also a second bug with the Usage Setting in Materials since the newest update 30.00 / UEFN 5.5 - We always have to checkmark the Usage where we want to use this Material as well with “Use with Nanite” has always be activated manually otherwise the Editor will place a Default Material which is a grey material - The Editor is also giving errors if we don’t do these steps.

Steps to Reproduce

  • Create a Material which blends mutliple layers together (6 textures) Use Lerps
  • Paint Landscape with No Weight Blend
  • As more you Paint as more goes the project size up

Expected Result

We expect a normal increase of the project size but 20% for just a bit of landscape seems a lot if we compare this to situation in the 5.4 Version of UEFN

Observed Result

  • 20% Increasement of Shaders in Project Size since UEFN 5.5 / Fortnite 30.00



Island Code


The status of FORT-753669 incident has been moved from ‘Ready for QA’ to ‘Closed’. Resolution Reason: ‘Fixed’