I’m using material parameter collection for ui colors.
How do you set up the text colors in blueprints? Changing the color of the button background images is easy but text is difficult: the color comes out wrong. Orange comes out as green for example. I read something about srgb and gamma space but I have no idea how to fix any of that because apparently you’d need to do the fix in c++… I don’t even…
Here are pictures of everything. The material node setup is a mystery because that power node changes nothing. I can connect the color directly to the final color and the output is same green. What I’m trying to do here is define color and button color change when mouse hovers over the button.
clearly something is wrong but I have no idea?
are you not using widgets as the ui?
I just figured out what you meant. And solved the issue. Thanks. I’ll post the answer as separate post.
So I took a second look at the menu and figured out what I did wrong. I was basically trying to change the colors wrong. I was trying to change the material for the onhover material slot using the unhoverover function and not using the material slots for onhover behaviour
I needed to remove the nodes for the button color setup as those are already in the widget. But I added my materials in the widget. For the text color I still needed the coloring nodes. And those nodes are correct as shown in images.
I also found was that I had my old color still set as background color for the button (not text but the button, but this still made the text color wrong).
edit: Only issue I have anymore is that opacity is not passed from my parameter collection to the text color. Need to investigate that.
Is material opacity (alpha different than) widget background color for buttons? I have still some weird issue here. The colors come out correctly from the “get vector parameter value” but opacity comes out as 1.0 even if it is not 1.0 in the param collection. I wonder how I get the opacity out from the parameter collection. I already checked my material and translucent is selected there, not opaque.
It seems you do need to set the materials twice for the onhover. Both in widget and in blueprint. The opacity does not seem to come through the material so you need the material set up in both ways. Here is my node setup:
How about something like this. bind the text color and within the function get a reference to the button and use the is hovered node in conjunction with a select to decide the color to use.
Yes that works too. I prefer to keep everything in the same function though.