Material not Rendering (Shipping Build)

I have two actors and when I set one of them to Hidden In Game, the other actor disappears when the game is packaged as a Shipping build, but not as a Development build. It will reappear when the first actor has Hidden In Game disabled.

The actor that I am toggling Hidden In Game on contains a Widget Component. The other actor contains a Static Mesh Component, which uses a Material that renders the content from a MediaPlayer asset that was created in the editor.

I created a Game Instance Subsystem, which stores a reference to the MediaPlayer asset and its Material asset and I used the AddToRoot() method so hopefully neither would get garbage collected. The MediaPlayer’s Material is set to User Interface and Opaque.

The only way I have discovered I can prevent the actor with the Static Mesh Component from disappearing is if I add a new Static Mesh Component that uses a different material – Surface, Opaque, Unlit.

Does this seem like a bug or a is it possibly a misconfigured material?

  • UE 4.24.3 (Launcher)
  • Target Hardware: Oculus Quest

I’m seeing a lot of people talking about widgets missing in packaged games at the moment.

Although it might be some kind of bug, the solution that usually works is doing one or two things:

  1. Take a look in the reference viewer and make sure something that is packing depends on the thing that is missing

  2. And / or: Refer directly to the thing that is not getting packaged in something you know is getting packaged.