I know that my material is definitely being set (because the original material was the white Default material), and it looks like the material simply hasn’t loaded.
Is there a way to work around this?
(The material actually shows up on some of my meshes, but it doesn’t show up for the majority of them)
The problem could be that your VRAM isn’t keeping up with the project. Are the objects really high-poly? It would help if you post a photo of the blueprint of your material, as well as the scene it’s in. Let me know the specs on your computer and I can probably figure out if that’s what’s keeping you down.
Each mesh has about 33,000 triangles, and there are a few hundred of them in my scene, although they’re already placed before run time. I’m simply assigning material at run time.
Here’s a photo of the material BP (I didn’t do anything to it).
Does it work when you assign the texture before runtime? Or does it still not work. It’s a good thing to check because it will eliminate the possibility of it being a problem with the texture or mesh.