Material function to set the scale and offset of the texture

Can someone help me with a link to a tutorial (preferable YouTube, or with images to the material, or even better with download link for the function) on how to set the X Y Z scale, rotation as well as set an offset to the material by changing the values in a instance of the material?

Basically I want to have a “Parent” material which has the following parameters:

  • Base: the base texture
  • Normal: the normal texture
  • ORDp: the ORDp texture
  • X Scale: make it wider or shrink it on X axis only
  • Y Scale: make it wider or shrink it on Y axis only
  • Z Scale: make it wider or shrink it on Z axis only
  • X Rotation: rotate it on X axis only
  • Y Rotation: rotate it on Y axis only
  • Z Rotation: rotate it on Z axis only
  • X Offset: offset the material on X axis only
  • Y Offset: offset the material on Y axis only
  • Z Offset: offset the material on Z axis only

And with that based on the situation/location I can set the material and how it looks on the actors (almost 100% of them are rectangular cuboids).

I basically need this material function by Luos_83, but I don’t want it to be tied to world position, because if you have an object that you rotate/move, it will look weird. For stationary actors it is awesome.

By having a function for rotating/moveable actors and in combination with the one from above I can pretty much cover all the basic situations I might have.

Or maybe that function can be adapted?! Materials are beyond me, and I am the solo developer, this being my first game.