I’ve been trying to wrap my head around UE4’s material system the past few days. One thing I’ve been trying to figure out is how to do the equivalent of CG’s GrabPass to do post-process only on the part of the scene behind a particular mesh.
With a little help from the forums, I learned that SceneColor in a translucent surface material, is the equivalent of CG’s GrabPass, and it worked great until I tried to hook up texture coordinates to it:
(all screenshots can be clicked for larger versions)
I posted this problem to the forums a few days ago and got the answer that I needed to use a custom UV slow to pass the texture coordinates to the fragment shader in order to do this. Only, doing that:
resulted in no change to what I saw:
After a little experimentation, I found that using screen position instead of UVs as input:
Seemed to give the result I wanted:
That is, until I started manipulating the screen coordinates to get different . If, for example, I scale them:
I get exactly what I expect, EXCEPT that my character, who is in front of the geometry, is included.
Similarly, if I try to do a Sims/Saints Row-style censor mosaic effect:
The character in front of the mesh gets included in that calculation as well:
Now, the more I think about it, the more sense this makes. SceneColor is giving me the full, rendered scene and that includes everything regardless of where the stuff in the scene is.
I’m starting to get a feel for how UE4’s material system relates to the underlying shaders that get built, but there are still large parts of it that I’m not fully grokking. SceneColor seems to give me almost exactly what I want, only I have no idea how I might exclude items between the mesh and the camera, which seems like a prerequisite to doing a lot of useful things with SceneColor in a surface material.
Is there a way to use the depth buffer here? Or is there a way to do a shader pass that only includes objects not between the mesh and the camera?
Any thoughts or insight would be much appreciated.