Material Editor crash (100%)


I’am learning to made a 2D game with the tutorial “2D Sidescroller with Blueprints” and every time i’am opening the material editor and create a TextureParameter2D, unreal engine 4 crash. It’s a 5/5

Do you know how can I fix that ?


-which engine version do you use?
-post your pc specs
-post your log file -> documents/unrealproject/yourproject/saved/logs/the file which gets generated after the crash
-what happens when you create a new project + try it again?
-make sure to post your problem on answerhub: https://answers.unrealengine/ :slight_smile:

Hi 5347

Sorry to be not very accurate

Here is the information

  • Unreal Engine 4.8.1
  • PC Spec : Intel core i7-4700HQ CPU 2.40Ghz, 8 go ram 64bits
  • It’s seems not crash when i create a new material
  • Here is the last line of the crash log

So I think it’s clear for now.

Thanks for all the links :slight_smile: