Material Displacement with Pathtracer (Not modelling displacement!)

Hi, I am trying to achieve a material which can displace geometry for static renders (I’m not bothered by performance) I’ve been looking on many forums / YouTube for this answer, and I think the answer is a ‘no’ but I wanted to check as it would be a huge thing for photo realism…

Right now If I use displacement in Lit mode it looks correct however in path tracer mode it returns flat. I do not want to go to the modelling tab, apply tessellation and then displace the mesh permanently. I understand what I’m asking is a complicated subject but any guidance on this would be much appreciated. If this is not a feature, will it be?

Lit mode -

Pathtracer -

Settled on Parallax Occlusion for the time being, not as good IMO as Displacement, but doesn’t stop me moving forward for time being.

For anyone that was interested I found several really useful YouTube videos on Parallax Occlusion this account has 5 videos which really get into the detail on how to achieve realistic shadows and really helps our brick issue!