Matching 'SceneCaptureComponent2D' to 'Camera Component' renderings

Hello all,

I’m looking to do a seamless transition affect where I have start with a component camera of a player character actor, and then transition into a ‘Scene Capture Component 2D’ Render Target of the exact same view angle and resolution, pasted onto a UMG image asset overlaying the screen.

With all the screen dimensions and orthogonal camera angles correct, I am able to match the cameras perfectly, but the 3D renderings each of the ‘camera’ components produce are noticeably different.

For testing, I set the ‘Scene Capture Component 2D’ to only the left side of the screen, and note that this is a newly created Third-Person project.

Here is what it looks like when the Scene Capture Component 2D ‘Capture Source’ is set to “Final Color (LDR) in RGB”:

Here is what it looks like when ‘Capture Source’ is set to “Final Color (HDR) in Linear Working Color Space”. Closer to what I want, but not exact:

And lastly here’s an alternate experiment where I utilize the ‘Composure’ plugin and take the exact camera image as my render target. As you can see, there is still a bit of a mismatch:

For the transition to work, it needs to be virtually indistinguishable, but looking at multiple Q&As about the subject of Scene Capture Component 2D, I have never seen anyone address the issue, aside from manually fine tweaking the ‘Render Target Gamma’ or changing options regarding post-processing Lumen, which have been set to off in both the Scene Capture Component and the Camera component.

I ideally could change all the in-game cameras into 'Scene Capture Components 2D" to ensure that all my camera’s produce similar renderings, but I see no way to use scene capture components as my view target. I would have to be rendering from a Render Target pasted on the screen by UMG. Overall, none of this sounds ideal.

So I ask, is it possible to have identical renders from a ‘Scene Capture Component 2D’ and a ‘Camera Actor’?