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Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
NOBODY can update or join the game on my map on console. Getting the error player.queueing_failure.208.
PLAYERS Stuck updating in matchmaking lobby at 0%. Players then leave and restart their Game Fortnite, then rejoin, and still get stuck at 0%. Then there is an error.
I Need someone to fix this! I lost all of my players!
Matchmaking error: Matchmaking failed. I am a fortnite creative UEFN Creator, and I am having an issue where only 1 player is able to load-in to the game. It is a 20 player game. When the players are in the lobby, say 16 players, they all select READY and then it shows updating and they are all stuck at 0%. A total of two players have been able to join my game. Nintendo switch and playstation consoles are unable to join
Steps to Reproduce
- PLayers in matchmaking lobby try to join game. Nobody has been ablle to join
Expected Result
players cannot join
Observed Result
Observed Result
Players stuck on updating at 0%
Cannot join they leave the game, they restart their game, cannot join
Island Code
Additional Notes
Players cannot join the session stuck in lobby