Massive Polgyon Draw in Simple Scene


I have a simple map setup. I ran Statistics and it shows 20k Tris and 37.8k Sum Tris.

When I play the map however, using Stat RHI, the Triangle Drawn count is nearly 600,000.

I went into wireframe view (in PIE) and I couldn’t find any meshes that would cause this.

I’m trying to figure out 1) why the triangle draw count is so much higher than the tri count in the statistics window 2) if there is a way to profile a scene and find out what is causing such a high triangle draw count?

Thanks in advance,

If anyone else is having the similar issue, its to do with PIE. If you have streaming levels, then it gets counted even if they are not loading in the map, but is displayed in the editor.

Running the game in stand-alone mode gave accurate Triangle Draw count readings.