Mass fps dropped in shipping package

A project, when pack to shipping package, fps is about 15 fps. When pack to development, fps is 60 fps.

We haven’t change any UE4’s engine code, and have confimed that all the code not use Development | Shipping like macro.

So, any one can give some clues?

We’re going to need some more information on what’s going on. The best way to track down performance issues is to study and practice the following docs: Performance and Profiling | Unreal Engine Documentation

If you’re new to this however, I recommend you start here: Performance and Profiling Overview | Unreal Engine Documentation

Are you working in a source build, or did you download UE from the launcher? Since you’re only experiencing performance problems when in the Shipping configuration, you’re going to have to package the “Test”-configuration. Test is a configuration that’s like Shipping, but with some profiling tools enabled. However, the test configuration is only available when you build from source. You can read more about Build Configurations here: Build Configurations Reference | Unreal Engine Documentation


Thanks for your information. We have both UE4 from launcher and from source build. So, test build isn’t problem.

So, we will build a test package and check for that issue.

Now a strange information we can apply is, when using shipping package, both CPU and GPU are 50% workload only. But, development package is GPU bound, 95% always.

Found clues. There is a lightmass imptance volume size 8000 x 5000 x 3000, covers whole level, uses all default settings.

Test this level by using Development package, fps is 80+. But fps is only 18 if used Shipping package, on same PC.

Test both packages on other PCs (different hardwares), result is same - mass fps dropped when using Shipping package.

After change the lightmass importance volume’s size ( scale to 0.5 x 1 x 0.125 ), we found the shipping package raised fps to 200+.

So, can Epic give us a clear explain why on earth happened behind the scene? or give us some guide to avoid such a strange issue?

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