I am trying to find a way to mask out the water inside of a boat using the Water Plugin in Unreal Engine 5.2. I’ve seen a few ways such as stencil masking or this method below through the usage of DistanceToNearestSurface which seems to be the best bet. However, unless I set the HoleCutDistance to be giant he interior doesn’t start to cut the inside. I was hoping someone would be able help me get this fixed.
To properly use Distance to nearest Surface to mask out a boat you will need a mesh that fully encloses the space you want to mask. Currently the masking is only working around the hull and the house of the boat. You will need to add an additional water tight mesh that goes up to the railing of the boat and closes up the empty space inside the boat.
In order to hide this mesh while having it mask out the water you’ll have to either disable “Render in Main Pass”, “Render in Depth Pass” and “Cast Shadow” or set “Visible in Scene Capture Only” to true.
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