I took photos of a small object: First 3 rounds from the top (“r”, 105 images) and 2 rounds with the object flipped upside down (“u”, 59 images).
For “r” RC managed to create a “normal” 3D model using almost all images with a little bit of help (4 quick control points) and also didn’t cause any problems exporting the masks but it didn’t work out that well with “u”:
I had to create 12 control points to finally get RC to create a “normal” model that looks good, using 50 out of the 59 cameras. As with “r” I also textured the model, then cut off its bottom (“Rect” + “Filter Selection”), as that area is usually not recreated properly, then tried to export the masks (so I can create a single object with both “r” and “u”) but it’s not doing anything and is stuck on “Exporting in progress”.
What I’ve tried/checked so far:
- Usually I pick the folder the original images are in but I also used others higher up in the folder hierarchy and it didn’t make a difference.
- I also tried exporting the masks for “r” again in the same folder and that finished within just a couple of minutes.
- There’s more than 1TB left on this HDD and there aren’t any special characters in the image names (e.g. “DSCF4452.tiff”) or folder names - only regular letters and a hyphen.
- Restarted RC and my PC but still no luck.
- Tried exporting the model without anything cut off and again with less of it cut off - the export still got stuck.
- Deleted the other component that only used 3 cameras (no, that one wasn’t selected when I started the export).
The longest I’ve let it run so far was 50 minutes but the progress bar only moved a couple of mm and no actual mask files were exported.
Has anyone else had this happen before and then managed to fix it?
Are there any logs that show where exactly the export is getting stuck at?
Hi Simutech21,
when you restarted the RC, have you used Make it like a clean install process?
Do you have big errors on those 12 control points? Why have you textured the model?
If there is no ability to export that model it could be somehow corrupted.
Can you try export CP’s measurements, used components and then open new project and reprocess the model again?
Thanks fro the prompt reply!
No, I haven’t reinstalled RC because exporting “r” didn’t cause any problems just before and after testing “u”.
No errors, not even yellow warnings (they’re all less than 1.2px and around 0.5 on average). I always texture models before exporting the masks because it makes it easier to see where the texture/model are messed up and what parts I have to cut off.
The weird part is: I can export the model itself (as .obj file) just fine, it’s just the masks that won’t export.
Found the CP under “Alignment - Export - Control Points”, where can I find the export for the component (it’s not in that same menu)?
Make it like a clean install is not reinstalling of the application. Basically, it is an application reset to the state as it was after fresh installation (to do so open RealityCapture with pushed SHIFT and choose the option Make it like a clean install).
For exporting component go to

and select RealityCapture Alignment Component format for export.
Thanks, got it, you can also find the export under:
Click on the RC symbol in the upper left - Export - type “Component” in the search bar - “Reality Capture Alignment Component” (creates a “.rcalign” file).
I did the “make it like a clean install”, then imported that file in a new project (also automatically imported the CPs), re-calculated the model and tried to export the masks (without texturing or cutting anything off this time): It’s currently stuck again (5 minutes so far). 
Does this mean that the component is corrupted somehow? Is there a way to fix it?
It seems so.
I would create a new component in new project, compute model and then try to export masks again. In that case you can use already exported control points measurements.
Oh, that sucks. 
Is there a reason why components can go corrupt, anything to look out for in the future?
I saved the old project under a new name, deleted the components and aligned the images again. It took a couple of tries to get a good component with 50 cameras again but at least this time the masks finished exporting. New problem: Two of the mask images (not even the cameras with the least tie points) are black, no white parts, even though a big part of the model should be visible. I tried to export them again and the same two images are black again. Something’s going on with this object…
According to your descriptions it looks like the original component was wrong for some reason. Hard to say, but as it is not able to align the images without control points, the capturing could be insufficient.
What are your masks export settings? Is it possible that those images are far away from the model?
What kind of object is this? How small is it? Does the object covers the most of the image part?
Sorry about the delay!
It’s a tiny object that was photographed with a macro lens (I think) on a turntable and it certainly doesn’t help that it’s made out of white-ish stone, so there are a couple of small reflections. The object itself has a couple of “imperfections” (darker spots and indents), there’s a sticker on it on one side and we also put a couple of small cubes around it to help RC a bit.
On the affected mask images (back side, sticker isn’t visible) the object and the cubes are visible and the object is almost in the center.
The mask export settings are set to default, I only disabled the camera depth export.
Would it be possible to share those images for testing?