Marketplace star ratings not transferred?

I’ve transferred my products from the Marketplace, but when I click “Preview listing” on a “Live” listing, it doesn’t show the ratings. For example:

As you can see, it shows “No rating yet”, but it has 21 ratings.
Will the ratings be transferred later? I’m afraid I’ll lose them if I transfer the rest of my products now.

Hi @Slavq . Thanks for reporting this - we’ll take a look.


This is the same for me as well. The ratings were not transferred yet.

Ok, I checked with the team. Star ratings have transferred and they will be visible on your listing pages once those pages are live to the public. They do not appear on preview pages, as those pages are just intended to give you a view of what you’ve entered. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info! :smiley:
That is great to hear and very important for long time sellers who fought for every rating. :sweat_smile:


Hi, I transfered my products like the others but I got the same problem. None of my products have the ratings. How can I get them back? :sweat_smile:


Same issue for me :frowning_with_open_mouth:

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My ratings are not transferred as well, is there any way to fix this? Thanks!

Tried to contact support fab:

But it seem only a few product have the rating transfered when browsing the library asset.

Simply look through the store, there’s many assets missing reviews. Can this be fixed for every listing (not on a per asset basis)?

I’ve contacted the FAB support and was informed that assets now needs to receive at least 5 reviews before the average rating is shown. Before reaching the minimum threshold it will shown a “No rating yet” message, as if the asset was never reviewed.

There is no reviews tab, so it is also impossible to see any previous reviews and verify who left a review. No review descriptions either… this is serious downgrade compared to the Unreal Marketplace reviews system.

As a seller, I’ve already sent my feedback and concerns about the new review system to Epic Games and I encourage other sellers and clients to do the same.

To share your feedback or report bugs to Epic Games, simply send an email to and add on cc

The FAB support team is probably on red alert for hot fixes, so it is the best time to share your feedback about the new platform and report any issues you may encounter.

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I had 5 reviews on UE Marketplace. I have no reviews on Fab.
You guys are bumping the topic that was marked as solved.
But the problem was not actually solved, here’s a new topic on this that seems to be ignored: Star rating not transfered

I have contacted support by email and got an answer unrelated to my problem.

Yeah this issue hasn’t been resolved yet, I have multiple 5 star products so this means a lot to me, please fix this.

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