March #UE4JAM Submission Thread

Team Name: Just One Games
List of Team Members: Patrick Murphey (SnuBear)
Game Name: Fumbling Upwards
: FumblingUpwards

Description: Work with 3 other players to fumble your way to victory! 1 - 4 players, each wielding a controller, must cooperatively pilot the same spaceship as they struggle to move, shoot, dodge, and destroy enemies in an effort to move higher and higher into the magical arcade atmosphere.

All Aboard The Motivation Rocket

Team Name:

Team Members -

Controls - A - Left and D- Right

Name of Submission: All Aboard The Motivation Rocket

All Aboard The Motivation Rocket is a endless runner game where you must make it to the end of the Game Jam Deadline. Embark on the UE4 Rocket where clean compilations of your blueprints will give you motivation which is what makes your rocket move! You must avoid the demotivational bugs!

Note: The letters in hiragana stands for “gambatte” - You can do it!!!

Many thanks to @cdawgVA (CDawgVA) for providing his voice actor skills!

Team : Soju Submission

Test your Limit!
Compare with your friends
Game Name : Space is the limit
Team Name : Soju
Members : 4 people
**Game Link : **
**Description : ** Is sky the limit ?
The earth came to the end and the last survivors are escaping from the earth.
You must take our last survivors to Mars safely by avoiding obstacles on your journey.
Our space shuttle , ‘Soju’, is the last hope.

Good Luck!

**Menual : ** ----Menual----
Game will automatically be restarted if you are game over.
W : throttle
S : slow down
A : left
D : right
R : Restart
Down cursor : Face up
Up cursor : Face down
Space : Super Break
ESC : Quit the game

3rd Party : PlanetFormer from Marketplace
one free BGM from[/SIZE]

Except planets and one BGM, all original (space shuttle, asteroids, goat, tanks… include textures)

Cliffhanger by Team Kotany

Link to a download: - Google Drive
Team name: Kotany
List of team members: Druha, Bolotniy_lis, eldaron33
Name of submission: Kotany_Cliffhanger

Climb the cliff like you never climbed before. Manage your stamina wisely. Reach the limit of the Sky and discover what’s beyond.

P.S. The ending is not it was supposed to be, so don’t mind if it is kinda strange =)


Team name: Das Treibende Werk
Members: VovinHD
Submission name: InfiniJump

InfiniJump is an infinite jumper - climb as high as you can, the sky is the limit!

Third party assets:

Character Model made with
MakeHuman - CC0

Footsteps & Landing

Ownederd - CC0

And some StarterContent

Benergy - Fly

Game name: Fly
Team name: Benergy
Member: Benergy
Name of submission: Benergy_Fly

Original (372MB): Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
Minimized (w/o unneeded starter content but exactly same game) (85MB): Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

Category: Puzzle game
Controls: Mouse only

Unfortunately I hadn’t enough time to add sounds and music. But I think it doesn’t harm the game very much.

Known bug: I’ve seen in Burgos’ stream that sometimes you can push a part over the bottom edge. This is not intended, so make sure every part is eventually completely on the board, otherwise it won’t count as a solution.

Have fun!

Download (32bit):
Download (64bit):

Team name: Shankem
Team members: Shankem (just me)
Project name: Sky

How to Play:
WASD to move, ‘R’ to restart a level, ‘K’ to quit.
Mouse to look around.

Try to get to the top of the .

Team: Bohrium
Game: Archon Deathmatch
Members: Bohrium

First time in ages that I’ve actually had free time for the whole jam duration. Decided to go for a multiplayer first person shooter deathmatch in the skies.
It is multiplayer only (although you can goof around alone), so bring friends!
But yeah, I created basically everything myself during the jam.


  • 2 Maps!
  • 3 Weapons! (Including eyeball lasers!)
  • Sound! (And even some music!)
  • Scoreboard!
  • Saved settings!
  • Classy use of depth of field.
  • A hint book (well, it’s a bit of text when you press a button)

Flight of the Cherry Bomb

Download: Dropbox - File Deleted

Team Name: Exit Strategy Balloon
Team Members: Whittaker, Rachel Roxburgh, Lauren Clegg

Okay I’m done now!

Get Skyfall!


List of team members:


About the Game:
You are Lucifer, banished from heaven. Oh your way down you lost all your belongings!
Your tattered wings won’t carry you far, so grab a cannon and your yourself up, but kep the wind direction and strength in mind.
Also don’t go too high. The Sky is the Limit!

I forgot to add that you aim the cannon with the mouse… :eek:

Also here are the twitch VODs if someone wants to skip through it:
Twitch (Building game logic using Placeholders)
Twitch (‘Finishing up logic’ and start of asset creation)
Twitch (Continuation of Day 2)
Twitch (Creating more assets and ‘polishing’)

All assets are made by me, except for the font.

Team Name:
Baby Busters

List of Team Members:

Game Name:

About the game:
The game is a series of puzzle that you need to complete in order.


Walkthrough, please only use it in case you get completely stuck:

The Robots Attack to Sky Paradise Game

The Robots Attack to Sky Paradise Game

Video Unreal Engine 4.11 The Robots Attack to Sky Paradise Game


3D Virtualand Team (1 person)

3D Virtualand Team_The Robots Attack to Sky Paradise Game

This is a very simple game about The Robots Attack to Sky Paradise Game. It is plenty of trees, bushes, rocks and more.


M: Menu

Have Fun.

Sky Climb

Sky Climb

Google Drive (64-bit | 132 MB zipped | ~350 MB unzipped)
Google Drive (32-bit | 113 MB zipped | ~312 MB unzipped) for if there’s any problem with the 64-bit build (I haven’t tested this one too much though!)

Team name: Master Kenth
List of team members: Master Kenth (Kenth Ljung)
Name of your submission: MasterKenth_SkyClimb

In Sky Climb your goal is to reach the sky! To achieve that you traverse the environment, grab and place objects to act as platforms and rocket-jump your way to the goal. There are 3 levels in total, each with varying challenges.

It supports both keyboard/mouse and gamepad (however menu navigation doesn’t work with the gamepad). The controls are outlined both in the included readme within the download as well as in-game through the pause menu (ESC).

The full game takes about 10-20 minutes to complete, depending on how much you experiment and play around. Of course, with optimal strategies, you can complete all levels in about 3-4 minutes :p.


The levels are designed to allow for a variety of solutions to reach the sky. I’m well aware that you can simply grab and jump with an object infinitely to reach the sky (similarly to Half-Life 2) and that’s a flaw on the mechanics design. I wanted to solve that with challenges but ran out of time. There is a ton of features that I wanted to have (challenges, ladder-mechanic, etc.) but ultimately you can only do so much in a game jam :). At least it was an extremely fun project and I hope you all had fun as well! This was also my first UE4 game jam :D.

All asset were made by myself during the jam except for two icon images, two fonts, the sky sphere (from the engine content) and all music and sound effects. Not sure if this breaks any rules but they aren’t “core” to the game and can be dismissed if they need to be. The exact authors of each asset are outlined in a readme inside the download, as well as within the “about” section of the start menu.

Game: Stop the Stupid Circles From Going Up
Team: Drektopia
Member: Drekmonger
Link: - Google Drive

Outside assets used: Puzzle Audio Bundle from the Marketplace. All of the sound and music in the game came from this.

This is my sixth game jam entry.


For most people “sky’s the limit”, but not for. Play this mini puzzle game to get another perspective on some people’s everyday problems.

Team name: Katilio
List of team members: Katilio
Name of the submission: Katilio_Limits

Keyboard tested, gamepad should also work.

Graphics settings/pause menu: escape/p, start button
Jump: spacebar/A button
Interact: E/X button

Used stairs and “couch” from starter content. Open and locked door sounds are from, I made the rest with Bfxr.

PS: Make sure to “play twice” until you see the ending screen!!
PS2: omg my first jam!! Good luck!
PS3: I hope I’ve done everything right. :stuck_out_tongue:

Download: Google Drive - Virus scan warning

Team name: Alderbit
Members: Alderbit
Submission name: Alderbit_SkyLimit

Your mission is to transport valuable resources to the cargo ship Titania which is stationed in low orbit. The shipment is contained within an anti-gravity field. You have been provided a drone fitted with a repulsion beam to keep the resources within the field’s boundary.

— Controls —
MouseXY: Rotate drone
Left Mouse Button: Fire repulsion beam
Right Mouse Button: Fire tractor beam

Balloons, Bombs, A Boy, and An Alien


Team: Ayretek
Wolf Dragoon


Sphere Swervers

Download: MEGA
Team Name: Ribkat Games
Team Members: Jordan Bolton, Bingham, Charles
Submission Name: RibkatGames_SphereSwervers

Description: Goal is to dodge the incoming spheres, seems easy enough right?

Controls: WASD/Arrow keys to move, Space Bar to restart.


Here is my entry, UpHigh.


Team Name:
Project Name: UpHigh
Team Member:
Submission: Keyle_UpHigh

When the sky’s the limit, you’ve got to shoot for the stars!
Graphics/Gameplay/Dev/Sounds 100% original, created by me for this Jam.

Third Party Assets:
Font: Candy Shop By imagex
Music: Sousa - With Pleasure (Public Domain)

Full Making of:
Day 1 - Twitch
Day 2 - Twitch
Day 3 - Twitch




Download :

Team name:

  • CellularAmnesia

List of team members:

  • Raikoh

Name of your submission:

  • CellularAmnesia_GodVSCube

This is a 2 players multiplayer game where God(Player1) tries to destroy the cube(player2) by creating and changing the map.

-Player1: WASD + LeftMouse to select actors + RightMouse to remove UI popups.

-Player2: WASD + Space(Jump) + LeftMouse(Fire)

Steam should work, if not there is the option to use “open ip” inside the menu.