March #UE4jam, March 10th-13th THEME: THE SKY IS THE LIMIT

Love the theme, looking forward to this months submissions :smiley:

Great theme, but too many ideas come to mindā€¦ first hurdle, how to pick one!!!

why pick one? make them all, skyā€™s the limit!

Nice theme.

YGPM with Infos


Iā€™m in - (1)

and I am streaming 90% of it.


It is possible to have others join my Team after I registered an amount of people in my Team?

I donā€™t see this as an issue as long as you donā€™t exceed 5. Donā€™t wait for confirmation before starting.

We already startend :slight_smile: Should I write a PM because the list needs to be updated then?

Yes. I meant to add that to my post, but I forgot.

for me, the most ā€œother ideasā€ that Iā€™ve came up with from brainstorming that Iā€™ve written down for possible future development from a single game jam. ā€¦ did that make sense? my coffee machine is broken.

Yes that made sense :slight_smile:

Am I allowed to use 2d sprite textures that I made a while ago? I want to know because it would be nice :slight_smile:

I would suggest you have a read through the rules.

Yes, Iā€™ve read them. But I didnā€™t quite understand. Can I use it and say it in the description or canā€™t I use it? Clear answer, please.
And english is not my native language so maybe thatā€™s why

I hope itā€™s okay to shamelessly promote yourself here.

Iā€™ll also be streaming my progress over at twitch:

Iā€™ll definetly need some input, so itā€™d be nice to have more people around that know a thing or two. :smiley:

I assumed that the sourced assets were acquired elsewhere, not your own content. So you disclose it, so you arenā€™t judged on it.
So my interpretation of the rule is no you cannot use content youā€™ve created beforehand, but Iā€™m not a judge.
If you really wanted to use it, then reference it as sourced assets like you suggested, then that part wonā€™t be scored.
But this is all just my opinion and is non-binding.

The spirit of the GameJam is to create everything over the time period given.

You could PM and for clarification, but it might take a while for an answer.
I would ask in the #UnrealEngine IRC channel for other opinions.

Ok, thanks. I guess Iā€™ll create new ones then.

I have sent a PM to and to be entered on thursday, however I dont show up in the list. Can I still submit my game?

Yeah, but to make sure you can contact them on twitter, most likely they read that!