Hey everyone,
i must say that i have already read all the topics associated with this subject but none of them worked. i have almost 1000 object unbaked in my scene. Does anyone know the solution?
You need to provide some more details on the issue, not able to understand the problem you are facing
Any time you add new objects (meshes, lights, etc.) to your scene you have to build lighting. This is because UE4 uses a combination of static lighting which is baked into a texture and dynamic lighting which doesn’t need to be baked. The process of building the lighting causes your computer to create the texture that is used to render all of the shadows on your static objects. Normally this is something you only need to do when you’re ready to ship your game, but oftentimes you’ll want to do it to get a better representation of what the lighting looks like in your scene. Beside the Build Button at the top of the toolbar, there’s a down arrow. If you click on this, under the Lighting category you’ll see that by default it’s set to Preview. This means that it’s only doing a very fast test build which is used for exactly what it sounds like - testing the lighting. When you’re ready to release, you want to bake all maps under “Production” quality.
MM i will try the way you told me!!