Our tree meshes look different in editor compared to in game. In editor they look darker with more shadows, while in game it seems to barely have shadows and looks much different. Because of this, the rest of the map looks darker in editor and brighter in game. We think it is distance field lighting as when we toggle the setting, nothing changes. It seems that the distance field lighting may be bugged. The issue with changing distance fields may be related to the preview platform SM6. If I change the preview platform to PC D3D SM5 for example, I can toggle distance fields on the mesh just fine and the lighting and shadows on the mesh change.
Please select what you are reporting on:
Unreal Editor for Fortnite
What Type of Bug are you experiencing?
Steps to Reproduce
Add a custom tree mesh to the map
Toggle “Distance Field Lighting” to on in the details of the mesh
Launch Session
Expected Result
The trees and maps lighting should look the same
Observed Result
The trees and lighting look different from each other. In editor shadows are much harsher and the trees are darker, while in game the trees have much less shadows and are brighter.