Map works completely normal during playtest, but is completely broken on Publish


We’re having some issues with a map upon public publish. Several of the games mechanics that worked in Private Publish and during playtest are just completely broken after Public Publish.

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

After playtesting in the UEFN session and using a private playtest, the map works exactly as expected and intended. On public publish, the maps mechanics don’t function as intended.

Expected Result

The game should run accordingly. It should be a 1v1 No Build map, that cycles thru each arena every round. There should be quick respawning when eliminated by a player or a bot.

Observed Result

On public publish we’ve noticed several errors in mechanics. The mutators aren’t enabling properly, the quick respawn isn’t working at all. All of these things worked in the initial test.


Seems to be affecting all. PC and Xbox Series X for sure.

Island Code


I worked with @tastetehrnbw on this map, so here’s a video to show what’s bugged The spawner mechanics just dont trigger when playing with 2 players. But in private playtest mode, it’s all working fine.

You can play the map here:

Anyone got any idea’s how to make sure that the private playtest builds and public release builds are acting the same?

Thank you for the report, we’ll get someone to take a look.

FORT-794679 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.

It looks like your code is no longer working. Could we get more info about how you’re setting up the mutator zone?

Hi, thank you for your support. The map still is loading fine 4245-5303-0437 on our end? It’s listed as public so should work.

  • @tastetehrnbw will explain how the mutators are set up when he comes back online.

Just to point out the exact issue we are having: when I load as singleplayer user in the release build, the spawning behavior is normal (cycle trough the arenas, respawn in arena). But when playing with 2 players, incorrect spawning behavior occurs (incorrect respawns). But during private playtest sessions non of these faulty spawning behaviors accur. Summary: It only starts failing when playing with 2 players, and in a public release.

The mutators are turned on with a timer (or with a trigger if both players say they are ready early), at the end of the weapon loadout phase. Which happens about 45 seconds after initial spawn. There are currently 2 mutators, each assigned to a player. Initially, I was using one mutator for both players. But was finding the results incredibly inconsistent.

I wasn’t having any issues with the mutators when I ran my tests, but I know my partner here was.

My issues have been with the code that is no longer functioning, specifically the quick respawning.

I have fixed the map for publishing by removing a large portion of the Verse files and adding in round settings devices for each individual round. So basically, I removed the Verse and replaced it with native devices.

Map is now live and functioning.

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