I am pretty new to this Game Engine, havent really touched it since i was making a Neverwinter Nights Mod But now I am getting interested in it again, being imporessed by its power.
So my question is, is it possible to have access to more then one map channel on one object. Specifically, my object has 3 Unwraps, which makes it easier to place decals, dirt and stripes on it. So three maps that are layered on top of each other with alpha maps.
Hello Raff,
I don’t have access to 3dsMax to show exact process, but you could set different UV channels for each unwrap. If you apply different modifiers to different channels then FBX export should contain all 3 channels.
Hi K-arts,
Yes you can access many UV channels by using “Texture Coordinate” nodes with a different index. By default when you place that node the index will be 0 referring to the first UV channel, then 1 is the second etc.
Wunderful. I managed to recreate the material thx heaps. The only problem that i have now, is that the lighmap is really messing up my model. It is a complex model, though. Would you guys recomend to create the uvs in Max or in UE? Basically what i did, i auto unwrapped my model with flattenmapping, set the map channel to 4 an exported it as an fbx. IN UE i set the the settings to the model as:
Min Lightmaps Resolution: 256
Generate Lightmap UV: unticked
Source Lightmap Index: 4
Destination Lightmap Index: 4
Wrong? Cause I have a lot of black bloaches on my model
If its the typical CAD data, you might also get some trouble with NGons. So yeah, remodeling is probably the best option…
It doeswork pretty decent.
The “trick” ist not to try to flatten everything in one go.
Flatten also works on selections…
If you cleverly select appropriate parts of the mesh, flatten is a big helper (Together with relax)
So, its kind of semi-automatic…