Manually Changing the Size of the SComboBox Button in Editor

For some reason the button that I created is smaller than the size of the default Text block or Dropdowns already present in the Details panel of actors and so forth.

Is there a way to manually set the minimum size/length of the button?
Or any element for that matter?

.AutoWidth() just changes it based on the content (in this example it would be even smaller due to the text “None”)

My button with an extra Editable Text Block for reference in size:

Found the Answer to this through another thread:

I think its still relevant to post the answer here since it was used for a different example, and is from a 7yo thread.
Essentially for this instance what I needed was to wrap the button into an SBox to use the .WidthOverride()

<Your Category>.AddCustomRow(...)

          /*Auto Width required for Adjusting button size to SBox*/
          + SHoirzontalBox::Slot().AutoWidth()
               SNew(SBox).WidthOverride( /*Actual Size of Dropdown Button*/ )


Hope this is useful to someone at some point, as we all know Slate documentation is basically non-existent. :upside_down_face: