Making train on fire

Let’s say I want to make a racing train on fire. I want flames and smoke follow it with some angle. I know how to make partickles follow actor as a trail while it’s moving, but I can’t find a way to set an angle. I’m relatively new to the Cascade and super new to Niagara. Where should I look for the solution?

Hey @Zhu_Hanyl,
Are you referring to the Origin Axes, like the shape of the emitted particles? It recommends checking out a lot of the bound options to change the shape of the particle emission. You may have the origin Axes hidden.
I hope this can help,

hm, I’m not sure I got you. I have this sort of trail, which follows horizontally, and I need it to go, like, 45° up and still follow object. Is it something this axis thing is supposed to help with? I actually realized that I can just change the initial velocity on z-axis and get almost ok result, is that what you’re talking about? Sorry, English is not my first language :sweat_smile: it kinda solved my problem anyway

@Zhu_Hanyl exactly! I think you should be able to change the rotation as well!
Happy Developing! :vulcan_salute:

Thank you!

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