Hi, I’m currently working on the Metahuman Assets.
In the node “mh_arkit_mapping_pose”(screenshot below), I can drive the mesh of MH by modifying the weights, e.g. I change the weight of EyeBlinkLeft to 1, so the Mesh blink the left Eye.
As you can see, the text reads that we have 64904 triangles and 35184 vertexes.
Say I’d like to get this EyeBlinking mesh, so, I click the “MAKE STATIC MESH” buttom. I create a lot of them, for each ARKit Property.
STRANGELY, all the STATIC MESH I created have less than 35184 vertexes:
What’s more, when I export these mesh as .OBJ file, I found that the INDEXING is bad, i.e. the index of vertexes are shuffled, making the “faces” values in every .OBJ unique.
I’ve been stuck here a while. WHY making STATIC MESH results in losing vertexes and shuffled indexing? Can we solve it somehow?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion!