Making DeltaTime in FRunnable

std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point PreviousTime;

uint32 FTestThread
		const std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point tClock_Start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
		const double DeltaTime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds> (tClock_Start - PreviousTime).count() * 10e-9;
		PreviousTime = tClock_Start;

		//Doing something here


	return 0;

The DeltaTime always remains at 0.

I’ve tried changing the std::chrono::(timetype) and the scalar (1e-9) on std::chrono::duration_cast, but it still returns the same.

Is there anything I should know to make DeltaTime functional in FRuunable?

Please suggest other method or solution


Ok so you can use FApp to get the delta time directly from within the worker class

includes needed: include “Misc/App.h”

then you can call the static method FApp::GetDeltaTime(); from within your worker function to get the deltatime as a double (can be cast to a float if you want it to mirror the ingame dt format).

older suggestion:

Have you considered passing in the game deltatime in the worker manager actor tick?

where AMyClass would be the manager class and Worker is the FRunnable inherited class

void AMyClass::Tick(float DeltaTime)

	if (Worker)
			Worker->DeltaTime = DeltaTime; // passing in the delta time from game thread

			UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Game thread: deltaTime gotten from worker thread: %f"), Worker->DeltaTime) // retrieving the delta time from the frunnable and printing it



Thank you for your help.
However I don’t think it’s possible to safely obtain DeltaTime within the thread using this method. I want to calculate DeltaTime using the thread independent of the game thread.

I tested it, but I found that DeltaTime is twice as slow as I expected.