Making an NPC AI move around in UE5?

That is unexpected.
Here is the link for the tutorial. You find the download link in the announcement post.

You download it, extract it in a folder and start the *.uproject file (blue unreal symbol).

OK but what am I looking for? Like how will this fix my ai bug? Thanks

The project was an example where usually AI should work. Just a standard project from a template without any other meshes, extra content, etc to test if this works. Open it, press play.

OK ill look at this when I have time. Sorry my ue5 is so corrupted that every little thing I try turns into a week’s long battle to get this engine to do what it’s supposed to. I decided to do something relatively simple so I could get just one win. And it too doesn’t work. I’ve tried 4 methods of simply retargeting animations to my skeleton and all of them fail. Yet in the comments it’s nothing but praise. So it works for them but not me.

How did you retarget? Can you show you character’s skeleton?
Maybe I can help you with this.

I think I may base figured it out. I tried a bunch if things. The last one, creating 2 ik rigs and a retargeter looked like it worked, then the animations looked awful after I exported them to my new skeleton. So I deleted the animations that action created and suddenly they somehow all work now. I can still show you if you wanna see though.