Making an NPC AI move around in UE5?

You can visualize the behavior tree in realtime while playing in editor.
One question, Is you player inside the navmesh with all NPCs? All actors need to be inside the navmesh volume on begin playing in editor. You can also add print strings in all functions you want to debug to check if those nodes are triggering.

Another topic that you can try is replace the node GetRandonPointinNavigableRadius by other options:


Hey OK yes all actors are within the navmesh at beginplay but I donā€™t see why the player character needs to be. But how do I vizualize behavior tree nodes?

I added print strings to all the nodes inside the only blueprint and they all fire, but this still doesnā€™t work.

The nodes fire but Iā€™ll try those other ones now. Thanks L.F.A.

By the way, the get random point node successfully gets points. I printed a string with thst nodeā€™s vector output connected to it.

I tried those 3 nodes and neither work. How is this possible??

Itā€™s really hard to tell what can be possibly wrong. I would try to create another level with a scaled plane as floor, not a landscape, and check again if works.

Just did. The navmesh is now green so I stupidly though it would finally work but nope. Looks like yet another engine breaking bug that I get but nobody else gets. I guess Iā€™m just not aloud to learn AI

Do you know anywhere else I can post? Iā€™m beyond desperate now. I tried Reddit but no solution. Thanks

Did you try a new project (3d person) with my files just for testing? Making an NPC AI move around in UE5? - #5 by L1z4rD89

Did you try to use BUILD from the top menu?

You could also try to the command RebuildNavigation inside the console or create a ExecuteCommand node on EventBeginPlay in the LevelBlueprint and hit play.

Oh I forgot about that link. Iā€™ll try it tomorrow if nothing else will work. I tried building navigation and it doesnā€™t work. I donā€™t see that command pop up when I start typing.

The execute command node doesnā€™t do anything. What goes into the specific player input pin? And wouldnā€™t there be a letter and a period before the command? Thanks for the help

I read something about pawn sending components in the AI. Is that possibly it? The tutorial didnā€™t use them.

Also, have you tried to contact Ryan Laley, the developer of that tutorial? Perhaps he can help you out.

Thanks for the video, Iā€™m just catching up now since Iā€™m back on now and I think LFA covered everything I was thinking thus far. Iā€™m going to be pondering this for a while. Iā€™ll likely recreate it entirely following the same steps you did to see if I can replicate the issue at least.

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At the bottom you can use the EnterConsoleCommand prompt.

Then, when entering RebuildNavigation (no autocomplete) this will pop up in the log:

Edit: Updated my files(contains a sample project): - Google Drive

Hey, sorry I hit a wall today. More than a year without taking a day off hit me today.

I leave comments on his videos but nobody ever responds. You think thereā€™s another way thatā€™s publicly available?

Oh thank you. That could really expose something. I still donā€™t know why the navmesh is black. I added one to a base level with just a cube for a ground and it was green, but the AI didnā€™t work there either. I couldnā€™t remember if there was something else I had to do for that level. So yeah please me know if you find anything. Thanks!

Thatā€™s unfortunate.
I know he streams a Questions Time show in this channel, perhaps once a month.

In this link, youā€™ll find all his social media links and public contact information.

Ok Iā€™ll try to get a hold of him. Thanks

Great, im the meanwhile, if you want a other tutoroal serie, there is a good one from Epic Games called AI State of Mind. It xomes with a complete project for download. Just search for it here in the forums.

Oh in tbus forum? OK Iā€™ll try that. Iā€™m gonna look into that other one that was mentioned here first. I feel like ai is disabled but only for me lol.

Hey rebuilding navigation didnā€™t work. So this is what a project for me to refer to when building AI? Iā€™m gonna download it now but Iā€™m not sure what to do with it. Thanks for the link.