Making a tileable texture tile larger

I have a tileable wood texture that I am using for floors in my houses. It looks like this:

As you can see, it is tiling a bit too much. The floor is made up of a bunch of square faces, so I wanted to just decrease the tiling using a UV coordinate, so I set the values for U and V to 0.5:

But now, the texture is simply using 1/4 of the texture and tiling that, as shown here:

How can I make the texture tile larger and work with these UVs? Is it possible or do I have to manually edit the UVs?

What are the UVs on your faces set to? It sounds as though you may have set each face to have UVs ranging from 0 to 1. For the scaling to work correctly, you need the UVs to follow on from each other, for example 0 … 1 on the first face, 1 … 2 on the second face, and so on.

Incidentally, if your floor is flat, you might benefit from using world coordinates instead of UVs. That way you don’t need to redo the UV layout, but more importantly, you don’t get annoying discontinuities between sections of floor. If you put two pieces of floor next to each other, the pattern will automatically carry on without a break.

Just change either the U or the V on the coordinate node.
You can also add a multiply between the texture coordinate node, and add a scalar (vector 1) node to the B input of the multiply, that allows for further additional adjustments.