Hello, does anyone know how to make a working counter in text render that counts how many times you turn something on and off? I can’t seem to find any sites or videos that talk about this.
All you have to do is to have a counter in the blueprint that keep track of it and then use the SetText node on the text render. Then it will seem as if it counts.
Would I do this in the widget or the level editor? And would this be connected to the object I am counting?
This would be done in the object you are counting and then that object tells the widget to update with the new number,.
Ok thanks a lot!
But just to be sure are there any images or videos that show this kind of setup?
Not directly. There are many that teach you what you need to know though.
I found a video with a good setup, but the problem is he is doing the project in a 2D scroller style. I am doing a blank project and only have a player start. I can’t seem to get the player start for the cast to command.
You have to link them somehow. Either through providing the player with a reference at begin play (Direct Actor Communication Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine Documentation) or by event dispatchers (Event Dispatchers | Unreal Engine Documentation).