I want to make visible this UStructure and variables in details panel to change its default values but no matter what I do its still blank so what should I do to make it work?
Do you also use this Tags in the definition of the struct variable itself like:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
FAnswerType Whatever;
and is this variable public?
Just make the USTRUCT in a different .h file and include that one into the class that uses the struct.
And put inside the class as a member variable:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, blueprintReadWrite, Category = “FSAnswerText”)
FSAnswerText myStructVariable;
Now you can set the struct defaults in the Blueprint/c++ of your class.
For me this always works perfectly fine I expose structs very often I would try remove the public in the struct (this solves the compiler error). But to expose it in the editor you need DECLARE a viriable of “FAnswerText”! Add