Make ReplicateMovement client authoritative?

ReplicateMovement replicates an actor’s transform from the server to every client.

I want to be able to change this during runtime so that the actor’s transform get’s replicated from a specific client to all of the other clients.

For instance, a cube actor is being replicated normally with ReplicateMovement. When a client touches the cube, the client takes control of it and replicates it’s position to other clients. My reason for this is so that there won’t be latency when pushing around objects.

How do I do this?

You can’t. In ue Network Stack only the Server is authoritive. If you want to compensate lag, send a Server rpc to Multicast rpc and simulate the movement in the clients instead of replicating the movement. There is also a free Plugin in the Marketplace which helps you smoothly syncing the transforms

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What plugin? Also, your saying to send the transform from the client to the server with a server rpc, then multicast it to all the clients?

What plugin?