Make Installed Build Win64 fails

Hello, folks. I really hope on your support here. I’m trying to make UE5 Installed build.
I am successfully build UE5 from git sources, and launch jenkins job for building Installed Build with next params:

"%UE_SOURCES_PATH%\Engine\\Binaries\\DotNET\\AutomationTool\\AutomationTool.exe" ^
BuildGraph ^
-target="Make Installed Build Win64" ^
-clean ^
-set:HostPlatformOnly=true ^
-set:WithClient=true ^
-set:WithServer=true ^
-set:WithDDC=false ^
-set:WithLinux=false ^
-set:WithMac=false ^
-set:WithIOS=false ^
-set:WithTVOS=false ^
-set:WithLinuxArm64=false ^
-set:WithAndroid=false ^
-set:WithWithMacArm64=false ^
-set:WithFullDebugInfo=true ^

Building takes a while, and i receive this message on Compile UnrealGame Android step:
bla bla bla…
Platform Android is not a valid platform to build. Check that the SDK is installed properly.
bla bla bla…

I have installed latest Android Studio with all features included.
I do not need Android components support at all, i have no idea how to figure out with it.

you can exclude build like mentioned here :slight_smile:

hope this helps you :slight_smile:

cheers :vulcan_salute:

Unfortunately, this not helps :frowning:
Same error on same stage

do you use the command line ?

maybe you need BuildCookRun
and have you added the whitelist in your .uproject file ? and there is also “BlacklistPlatforms” : [“Android”] which you could try


This part of engine building is uncontrollable from command line. I am trying to make Installed Build according to this manual
Using an Installed Build | Unreal Engine Documentation.

But, even, cutting off all of directives in InstalledEngineBuild.xml did no effect. AutomationTool still trying to compile for Android.
I see only one option here: To make changes inside AutomationTool project and build it on my own, but i think it’s kinda stupid in this case

this android problem came up with 5.1… i build it via batch file, that works for me… i am sorry then i have no clue how to make it running via automation tool… even if you blacklist android it will pop up… i made a plugin in 5.1 and had to use this

“path\to\Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat” BuildPlugin -Plugin=“path\to\MyPlugin.uplugin” -Package=“path\to\SaveFolder” -TargetPlatforms=Win64 -Rocket
otherwise i had the same error with android (if i leave -TargetPlatforms=Win64) :frowning:

i will try a bit today, if i find something useful ill post it :slight_smile:

cheers :vulcan_salute:

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I figured out. That was simple, but not obvious.
I trying to Installed Build Win64 with Jenkins, that work on my machine from tech user. And all jobs, that Jenkins runs, uses his own environment variables and files in C:/Users/Jenkins/…
So, all my iterations to install SDK, JDK, NDK for Android on my own PC account matters nothing to this process.
So, I set up all requirements for Android building on Jenkins account and that’s works!
NOTE: After installation of all JDK,SDK,NDK and Android Studio, don’t forget to restart your PC.
<3 Thanks for help