Make export/write methods for Data Table available at runtime. PLEASE!

Can we for the love of God make the following methods from UDataTable be available at runtime??

/** Output entire contents of table as a string */
ENGINE_API FString GetTableAsString(const EDataTableExportFlags InDTExportFlags = EDataTableExportFlags::None) const;

/** Output entire contents of table as CSV */
ENGINE_API FString GetTableAsCSV(const EDataTableExportFlags InDTExportFlags = EDataTableExportFlags::None) const;

/** Output entire contents of table as JSON */
ENGINE_API FString GetTableAsJSON(const EDataTableExportFlags InDTExportFlags = EDataTableExportFlags::None) const;

/** Output entire contents of table as JSON */
template<typename CharType = TCHAR>
ENGINE_API bool WriteTableAsJSON(const TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<CharType, TPrettyJsonPrintPolicy<CharType> > >& JsonWriter, const EDataTableExportFlags InDTExportFlags = EDataTableExportFlags::None) const;

/** Output entire contents of table as a JSON Object*/
template<typename CharType = TCHAR>
ENGINE_API bool WriteTableAsJSONObject(const TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<CharType, TPrettyJsonPrintPolicy<CharType> > >& JsonWriter, const EDataTableExportFlags InDTExportFlags = EDataTableExportFlags::None) const;

/** Output the fields from a particular row (use RowMap to get RowData) to an existing JsonWriter */
template<typename CharType = TCHAR>
ENGINE_API bool WriteRowAsJSON(const TSharedRef< TJsonWriter<CharType, TPrettyJsonPrintPolicy<CharType> > >& JsonWriter, const void* RowData, const EDataTableExportFlags InDTExportFlags = EDataTableExportFlags::None) const;

Also, I did some digging and I believe some time ago the import/read methods were also editor only, but now they’ve been made available at runtime.
So it’d great if you guys can do the same for these export/write methods.


Yeah so I was right. See this:

This is the commit that seems to have made the import/write methods available at runtime: