Make an object invisible but casting shadows

Hi there!

I’m making a movie. Unreal Engine 5.1.1.
I want to render a movie from the Sequencer and make an object to be invisible and cast shadows at the same time.
I turned on “Hidden shadows” (1).
When I turn on “Actor hidden in game” (2), the object becomes invisible and there are no shadows, not in the Editor, nor in the final render.
What can I do make shadows visible?
Thank you!

Not entirely sure, but you might need to use those checkboxes on the skeletal mesh inside the player BP ( so not out here, on the actor )?

This object that I want to hide, is an Actor (Mesh). It’s not a BP.
I don’t have a Player BP (actually I don’t know what this is).
I tried turning on the corresponding check boxes on the StaticMeshComponent inside my Actor, but the result is still the same. No object, no shadows in the final render.

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Ah sorry, I thought it was a player sitting there :slight_smile:

Hmmm, I just did what you have in your first pic, and I get

I think it’s something related to the sequencer…

Try this instead

I found a solution.
The problem is in light source settings.
If “Cast Raytraced Shadows” is Enabled there will be no shadow.
But if it is Disabled then there will be a shadow.

Thank you, ClockworkOcean!

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