Make AI Paper 2D character face the right direction?

Ive created a AI character to follow my main character, but it will only face right instead changing right to left causing it to walk backwards. Any idea on how to fix this?

Id also mega appreciate it if anyone can tell me how to get it to jump with the player controlled character too!

attached is a gif to show what I mean and the level blueprint, just incase.

set blackboard key on jump start of the character, which the ai will use to jump

if you intend to make the AI character movement more complicated you better use AI behavior trees.

imagine a stituation where the player suceeded a jump while the cat not (e.g. it was alittle late)
so if you make the cat jump only when the character jump, the cat will get stucked.

your character probably has a IsMovingRight? boolean variable, make at the start of the event tick, a branch sees if the boolean is true or not, if true then make a rotator with the yaw at 0, if not then set the yaw at 180.