Make A.I take different paths

Hey all
I was watching a GDC talk about A.I in Sunset Overdrive and the speaker was talking about their solution for making their A.I spread out while chasing the player. He describes a “Flanking manager” that assigns certain A.I arced navigation paths so that large groups of A.I will separate and try to surround the player from all sides. AI in the Awesomepocalypse Creating the Enemies of Sunset Overdrive - YouTube

Thus far I have been unable to find a way to achieve this effect in Blueprint, as ways to adjust navigation are fairly limited.
I have already tried things like RVO and Detour Crowd, as well as adding dynamic navigation modifiers along an A.Is path, but these methods have not worked out.

Is there something in Blueprint I am missing? If not is there a possible C++ Solution?

Thanks for any answers.

That video is exactly what I’m trying to replicate. I think what you might be able to do is have the AI go towards a random location around the player and as they get closer go straight for the player. At least in theory that should spread them out a bit.

hi. What solution for this problem?