Is it possible to make a Material with a Black Material that “Glows” like in the image?
If it’s possible then how?
Is it possible to make a Material with a Black Material that “Glows” like in the image?
it looks like the black is just a simple plane with some padding to the sides… behind is another plane with a red emission material on it… so it should bleed out of the edges…
but by the thinks of it, you could make a box mask or texture like this
hope this helps you
I appreciate your answer but you are not understanding me, the image there is only a reference and I do not want any light to be seen behind the black material (my mistake, I should have said it before in the post) what I want to do is a black box that casts a kind of shadow ignoring that there is light around.
i tried to do that before but the problem it’s it only works for circles, maybe you are thinking “just rescale the circle” i tried to do that and it looks weird
nope, i want it to cast a shadow like in the black hole material
hehe ok,
i do not know what you mean by cast shadow like black hole material… it´s simple a unlit black material with a falloff
hope you find a solution
nevermind thanks for your help
Do you mean by glow, that you want your material creates such a soft shadowy outliner around the object? Like at this moon here?
well are you gonna answer me? (idk if the notif has arrived to you)
Is it possible to make a Material with a Black Material that “Glows” like in the image?
Here is a simple setup for a “black glow” material. You have to make a box with the door dimensions with one side open and place it in the door opening. Make sure that the box is a little bit smaller than the door opening just to avoid z-depth fighting. Then apply the material, change the direction as wished and the “Glow” intensity.
Edit: What the material is doing is just making a gradient that is based on the box local location and the direction (local based too) of the gradient is specified with the component mask inside the material. With this material you can change the box dimensions and rotation whilst keeping the gradient direction and size.
Good luck!
great, but how can i change the direction to north/south? i tried changing the mask component and deleting the oneminus node but i didnt managed to do it
@NasteX (Message only to make sure you got the notification)
Just change the component mask channel inside the material. If now it’s on G, then change it to R instead…
Let me know how it goes.
That’s what I did but R and G look weird:
Could you show me your material setup?
You have to change both of the TransformVector nodes to be from Source - World Space to Destination - Local Space. Just select the node and you will see on the left pane a Source and Destination dropdown menus.
Currently the way you have setup the conversion is, that the transforming of the position now isn’t correct. Basically we want to convert the world position of the static mesh to be the local one, so that the gradients follow the position and the direction of the same static mesh instead. Check out the screenshot bellow for a closer reference. That should fix the issue you have. Then you can find the correct direction with R or G (just one of them), since B is typically a vertical gradient.
Let me know how it goes.