MAJOR - UEFN will crash when adding a texture to a texture sample in a material

Reference ID


Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Adding a Texture to a Texture Sample will crash the engine (see video)

Steps to Reproduce

See above video

Expected Result

Engine will not crash when adding a texture to a texture sample node

Observed Result

See above video



###Other Notes
Computer Specs
Graphic Card: RTX 3060Ti
CPU: Intel i9-9900KF

Question: what does need ā€œNeeds Triageā€ translate to for those of us donā€™t know?

It means that itā€™s in the first queue.
Someone will assess it in that queue and then triage or assign it to the correct bug queue internally for the team responsible for the area thatā€™s perceived/logged as causing the bug.
Generally speaking.

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Thank you for the explanation. :slight_smile:

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This issue no longer happens in v29.30.
Thank you for the fix :slight_smile:

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FORT-730408 has been ā€˜Closedā€™. Weā€™re unable to reproduce this issue.