Major - UEFN - Search then Shift click (outliner) selects a massive amount of actors

This issue causes users to edit and commit a massive amount of actors from the scene and overwrites other users data as a result. Also its hard to pinpoint when it happens and causes accidental edits to a massive amount of assets.

-Open a project that has a lot of actors in scene and they are also organized in parent objects and folders.

-Search for an actor in search bar
-Select it
-Remove search term by pressing the X on the right of the search box (used to show where that actor exists in the hierarchy, in the outliner)
-Shift click other actors in that group/folder
-Instead of only selecting those, UEFN will select way more but not tell you.

Hi @Wertandrew thank you for bringing this to our attention. The team is aware of this issue and is investigating.

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